Benefit Sharing Advisory
CIG is a leader in empowering organisations to formulate and follow through on successful benefit-sharing strategies, leaving a lasting legacy of positive change.
Guided by the belief that communities that host projects should be better off as a result, we see benefit-sharing as instrumental in creating thriving communities, and a key driver for sustainable business practices.
Our Benefit Sharing Advisory services are crafted to enhance our clients’ capacity to align social investment, local hiring and local sourcing strategies with community aspirations and business goals, negotiate agreements with local communities, and manage and evaluate impactful collaborations and processes.
Our consultancy goes beyond mere strategy, delving into the operational aspects of social investments. We equip our clients with robust procedures and tools, encompassing the selection and due diligence of implementing partners, monitoring and evaluation processes, and comprehensive reporting on outcomes and impact.
Corporate Social Investment Planning:
We lead companies through the process of conducting inclusive community needs assessments and aligning their social investment strategies with community wellbeing, social risks, and other business drivers. Furthermore, our guidance extends to the design of diverse investment vehicles, ranging from direct grant funding and foundations to project-based initiatives and joint funding endeavours. Leveraging our expertise, we also aid in developing comprehensive grant management tools, including applications, selection criteria, due diligence processes and reporting templates.
Negotiating Community Benefit-Sharing Agreements:
We facilitate the setup and training of company negotiating teams. We engage directly with communities to identify community representatives and address any gaps in their ability to actively participate in agreement negotiations. We establish Terms of Reference for joint implementation committees, providing necessary administration support. Moreover, we design participatory monitoring systems for implementation, and implement grievance and dispute resolution mechanisms to ensure fair and transparent processes.
Evaluation of Implementing Partners and Grantees:
We conduct thorough evaluations, examining past performance of current partners and reviewing all new programmes. Our evaluation extends to programmatic capacities, including management, impact, and sustainability. We also assess our clients’ grant management processes, evaluating contracts, financial management, oversight, and engagement strategies.